April 1, 2017

Minecraft New Snapshot for 1.12 update

The new Minecraft 1.12 update just came out on 31 April 2017. Minecraft is stepping up their game and add new things on the game.

The new mob is parrot the first mob that can fly. You can tame it using cookies and heal it using any kind of seed such as pumpkin seed, wheat seed, melon seed, beetroot seed and else. If you right click on your tamed parrots they will perch on your character shoulder you can hold until 2 parrot. If you kill it they will drop feather and the cool part they can imitate bad mobs

The second update is the achievement they change too the name is advancement you can complete many different advancement in many different way

The third update is the crafting guide in the crafting menu this is a little bit interesting it can show how to craft something but if you have the ingredient it can place by it self. Some of the crafting is never show up you have to unlock that by using the advancement so this is good for the map creator another they add is make our own crafting recipes also good for the map creator. They add knowledge book to unlock the crafting guide if you right click it will learn how to make the crafting recipes for creative mode

This is the 3x3 crafting guide look like on the top is the 2x2 crafting guide

The last update is the narrator using left Ctrl + B it will activated the narrator to use that you type on the chat what ever you want like "Hi my name is the narrator" and the narrator will talk what you type on the chat

There is some bug for example placing down mob heads and sign is don't appear but the thing is on there


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